Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Response 1 - November

Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER.

Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book.

With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.

Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.

Your Response might start out something like this . . .

Sentence Lead starter

If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.

As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?


Anonymous said...

why would mat not have stop thrieing to do an olie over a chair, if he knew he could not do it. He did not make it & broke his leg.

Anonymous said...

title: Cirque Du Freak
author: Darren Shan
When I read this book I fell enterained. I also think Darren will become a vampire after he stills the spider. Some importent details I noticed were Darren got the ticket it was importent because if he didnt he would'nt become a vampire.

Anonymous said...

Half Moon Investigations
Eolin Colfer
That the boy goes some wear with his car.

Anonymous said...

Title:No Body's Perfect
Author:Kimberly Kirberger
My book is about if you like your body and if you dont.I have been reading this book because i like the fact that it tells you that you can like your body no matter what any body says. I have also learned thgat you are who you are and that you are not a mistake. I would recomind this book to any body that does not appreciate there body and to any body who want's to help there friends about there body's!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

title:Among the Imposters
Margaret Peterson Handdix
i pridict that at the end of the storiy he will be happy and rich.

Anonymous said...

Title:The naked mole rat letters
Author:Mary Amoto
I have not started my book yet

Anonymous said...

in spiderwick cronicals theirs
a boy named jared that knows more about the guide than his sister and brother does they don't exactally know whats going on i want to read more of this book.

Anonymous said...

Captain Underpants and the big bad battle of the Bionic booger boy part 2...
Dav Pilkey
That Mr.Krubte and Mevlin swithed brains.

Anonymous said...

My book is about the first telephone envinted.

Anonymous said...

the telephone by:patricia k. kummer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

peter and the starcatchers. by:ridley pearson. the book is about pirates.

Anonymous said...

My book Lion Witch and the Wordrobe is a not that good of a book, but in the beggining it was pretty good.I wouldnt not recomened this book to anybody.

Anonymous said...

Title:Lily's ghosts
Author:Laura Ruby
Sentance starter:
I admire Lily because she is an outgoing person. And she does believe in ghost's because, her dead uncle Max whoms a ghost still haunt's her and her family. Its up to Lily to conqur her and her mom conqer their fear's. She has a few trick's up he sleve to get rid of the ghost's in her house.And save the house and herself and her mom from the ghost's.They play trick's on her they mess ith her head. And they watch her day and night to see what she's up to. And to see what they can do to mess with her.They are constantly messing with her to see her scream.

Anonymous said...

i went through and looked to see if anybody is reading the same book as me. I found out that nobody is reading the same book as me. But thats o.k. I woudnt expect anybody to read it. I think the movie is better than the book.