Monday, January 26, 2009

Response 2 - January

Can you believe this is the last week of January 2009? Where has the time gone?

Your task is to Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER. When your are finished this should be your second response for the month of JANUARY!

Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book. There are times when summaries are important; however this is not the time.

With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.

As you create your response remember to refer back to the BLOG RUBRIC (see below) to earn the maximum points.

Hint: To make your response more original add more to your response than the two sentence leads. Expand your ideas, give details and examples to support the sentences leads you choose.

Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.

Your Response might start out something like this . . .

Sentence Lead Starters: # & #

If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.

As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?


Anonymous said...

Title:The white darkness
Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #14
When i read this book i visualize sym talking to titus but every one sees her stare into space and talking to her self.This book makes me want to keep reading further and see what is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Title:Beast of Noor
Author:Janet Lee Carey
Sentence Lead Starters: #22 & #25
I think miles did not change back to a human because he thought the Shriker would find him in human form and kill him.

I think that Hanna will find Miles after she gets into the other world because she has alot of help and she acts like she is a very young meer.

Anonymous said...

Sentence Lead Starters: #14 & #15

This book makes me read further because it is really good it has a lot of action in it.

The title of this book makes me think its going to a good book.To me an athor people

Anonymous said...

Title:The Year We Missed My Birthday
Author:lois metzger
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #9

A baby is born.a small boy with wisps of hair that grow into curls as the months pass.#9/This reminds me of when my cousin landon was born he had light brown hair and it grew straight threw the mounths.

A persons birthday is the most special day of the year.#1/Ivisualized the family getting together and putting up ribbons and balloons to celebrate a birthday.

Anonymous said...

Tittle:Bridge to Teribithia
Author:Katherine Peterson
Sentence lead starter#2and#9

Jess reminds me of my little brother because my little brother likes to run and so deos Jess.

Maybelle reminds me of my sister becauseat the beginning Jess hits his little sisteron the head and she told,if I hit my sister on the head she tells my dad

Anonymous said...

Title:Crique Du Freak The Vampire's Assistant
Author:darren shan
Sentence Lead Starters: #40 & #43

If i could interview a person is the book it would be Sam G. because
he was vary brave. but he got eaten by a waerwolf or wolf man. so it might be evra he is a boy with snake scalsand has the longest toung in the world .

Anonymous said...

Title: Chicken Soup for Preteens Soul 2
Author: Jack Canfield
Sentence Lead Starters: #7 & #42

When I read this book,I felt that this is the book I want to read, because it tells true stories
about other people & what they have went though. Some people in this book have lost family members due to bad death. Also there are some funny crushes in this book.

My feeling have changed after reading this book, because I use to hate reading books. Once I started to read chicken soup, I love to read Chicken Soup Books.

Anonymous said...

Title: Woodsong
Author: Gary Paulsen
Sentence Lead Starters: #25 & #18
I think that he will win the race even after getting lost.

The genre of this book is realistic fiction because it did not really happen but it could happen in a dogsled race.

I wonder why the character joined the dog race with a team of dogs he had never run because he could easily lose if the dogs were not trained enough.

Anonymous said...

Title:A Series of Unfortunate Events
Author:Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #

Anonymous said...

Title:Police Lab
Author:David Owen
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & 7 #
I visualized a sientist working on a teluscop in a huge lab and he is covred in oil and gress.

When Iread this book I felt like I wonted to read this book more so I could findout more informashon from the book

Anonymous said...

Title:What You Don't Know
Author:Ryder Windham
Sentence Lead Starters: #23 & #10

I blieve the author's purpose for writing this book is to inform people about differnt places

The big ideas in this book were Stonehenge,Easter island,The Far Side of the Moon,Loch Ness,Roswell,and Area 51

Anonymous said...

Title:The Story of My Life
Author:Helen Keller
Sentence Lead Starters: #7 & #13

When I read this book I felt sad because that Helen Keller could not see. It must have been hard not being able to see or hear. I could not have done that. I would have gone carzy!

After the book ends, I predict that Helen Keller will be able to communicate with her family with out any problems. Right now she is going to a teacher to help her do that. Hopfuly it won't be hard for her.

Anonymous said...

title:millions author:frank boyce
this is also a movie i havent read much of it so i cant realy tell you about it

Anonymous said...

Sentence Lead Starters: i think that the dragon is going to get killed...

i think that the dragon will get killed after the dragon get discovered...

to summerize the text i would say that it was about... Emily,Zachary,and Hannah going to visit with there grandma.At her house on lonley island.Then they find a dragon and the dragon likes them so they meet this dragon every day when noone but them 3 knows about this dragon.

Anonymous said...

Title:A Series of Unfortunate Events
Author:Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters: #29 & #40

If I could be any character in the book it would be Klaus becaus he is the smart one and he can always point out any mistakes about animals expecally wolves.

If I could inteview any character it would be Count Olaf because I would ask him why he is mean, and why he always trys to hurt the kids over money.

Anonymous said...

Title:The Dragon of lonley island
Author:rebbeca rupp
Sentence Lead Starters: i think that the dragon is going to get killed...

i think that the dragon will get killed after the dragon get discovered...

to summerize the text i would say that it was about... Emily,Zachary,and Hannah going to visit with there grandma.At her house on lonley island.Then they find a dragon and the dragon likes them so they meet this dragon every day when noone but them 3 knows about this dragon.

Anonymous said...

Author:Jerry Spinelli
Sentence Lead Starters: #40 & #1

If I could intervew the main character i would ask the following questions.Why do you always get in trouble?Why do you laugh so much

I visualized Zinkoff getting in trouble when he busted out laughing int he middle off class.And made the tacher horribly upset to get moved in the back of the room.

Anonymous said...

Title: And Not Afaid to Dare
Author: Tonya Bolden
Sentence Lead Starters: #14 & #15

This book makes me want to learn more about slavery and what went on at that time. Learning about famous heroes in this book makes me want to find out about other heroes that aren't mentioned.

The title of this book says to me that there are heroes in this book that aren't afraid to go for what they want. 'And Not Afraid to Dare' tells the reader how brave the characters are for fighting for their goals.

Anonymous said...

Title:Missing May
Author:Cynthia Rylant
Sentence Lead Starters: 42 & 20

My feelings have changed about the book the book was gooing to about may being missing but it is not it is about a girl name may that drowned in like a pond that they had. If i were the author i woild of changed the part where instead of the kid being dead she could of made it to where somebody else in the book died maybe it could be the dad or mom or a friend. I dont think they did a good job with the book.I could of been much better if they would of changed the character that died.

Anonymous said...

Title:malcome x
Author:walter dean myers
Sentence Lead Starters #21 & 38#

i wonder why the malcome wanted to be a shoe shin boy other than go back to school and be a doctor like he said he wanted the be
he help me to earn 50 dallars cuase it had to do a report on him cuaase my dada want me to to see how much i know i know more than him

Anonymous said...

title the great fire
auther jim murphy
srntence:when I ferst open this book I though in my head Ill give this book a try but after a whil I actuly started to likeand in the 3rd the dogs of hell were upon the housetops whare it has desped riting

Anonymous said...

title:gathering blue
Author:lowis lowry
sentence leads starters:#1&#14
whaen i read this book i visualized that a beast followed kira onto a pathand and kira was trying to breath normally .this book makes me want to read futher to find uot how the story ends and what happens to kira and her friend matt.

Anonymous said...

author:jennifer lynn barnes
sentence lead starers#2
when i read tatoo it macks me feel realy good it macks me wont to read more.

Anonymous said...

Title:Half Moon investigations
Author:Eolin Colfer
Sentence Lead Starters:23 # & 12#
I beliveve the authers purpose for writting this book is about when people got hurt in the book they went right to the hospital to get cheacked out.I found this book hard to follow when they said they going to the hostital and then they say that they are at a park.

Anonymous said...

Title:Mummies and Pyramids
Author:Will Osborne
Sentence Lead Starters: #7 & #23
When I read this book I felt like I could really learn about the ancient time of the mummies and how there life was and what they had to do to survive.I believe the author's purpose for writing this book is he wanted to express how the mummies are and how many different things thier is and what they are.

Anonymous said...

Aruthor:Neil Gaiman
Sentence lead starters 7 and 25
When i read this book it reminds me of me because sometimes when i am telling my mom somthing she listens but she dosen't belive me. But i think later on in the book that she will find her parents and escape from the mirror world that her fake family drug her into.

Anonymous said...

Title:budnot buddy
Author:christopher paul curtis
Sentence Lead Starters: #2 & #25

This character reminds me of me because when i waz a little kid i stressed a lot, and when i stressed i ranaway. So he ranaway when things got hard and i did too!

I think that bud will find Bugs will happen after he get away from those cops.because they found each other last time, and probly will again.

bud not buddy is an awsome book and I dont read much and dont like reading but I like this book!

Anonymous said...

Author:Lorraine Jean Hoppong
Sentence Lead Starters: Wow i never knew so much about tornadoes everything in that book i didnt know only like 2 or 3 things about it. This books tells all about tornadoes it says that they can go up to i think 80 to 90 miles per hour. Its so fasanating what tornadoes can do it says that it tilled over a 80 ton train, and tipped over a whole house without none of the house falling apart that so crazy. But this book reminds me of when we had that tornadoe in Kennett everything was messed up and the tonadoe took some people away...

Anonymous said...

Title:cirque du freak 2
Author:darren shan
Sentence Lead Starters: #7 & #14
in cirque du freak 2 when i read this book it made me feel eager to read more and more.this book makes me want to read all the seriesbooks.that is why i"m reading cirque du freak.

Anonymous said...

Title:Al Capone does my shirts
Author:Gennifer Choldenko
This book has expired me to do lotz of thingz.da title really dont go wit da story but dis story tells how a boy named moose flanagan moved to another part of a country and he iz to be required to help his friendz and his sister seems like hes on an adventure but hes really not i want u students out der to at least check dis book out and read it.this book will help u and other helped me wit how helpin out other ppl can be a very great reward cuz u HELPED dem.

Anonymous said...

Author:Louis sachar
Sentence Lead Starters: #29 & #27 if i could be iny character in this book i wold be Zero because he is a grate diger. when it started talking about dry desert

Anonymous said...

Title:No More Dead Dogs
Author: Gordon Korman
Sentence Lead Starters: 1 and 3
I visualized the stuent fighting with the teacher.
A question I have about this book is why did the kid fight with the teacher.

Anonymous said...

Title:absolutely normal chaos
Author:sharon creech
mary lou just got a call from alex saying that they stayed a few extra days on there trip ,she thanks the lord, and that they are home mary lou called alex at least a hundred times when she got home ,i wonder if that would make him mad?

Anonymous said...

Title:Tuckets ride

Author:Garey Paulsen

Sentence Lead: I could vizulize the part in the book were it said. It wasent a village so much as a mobile camp.

Anonymous said...

Title: The bully
Author: Paul Langan
Sentence Lead Starters: # & #

I visualize the bully is mean to new kids that move to another town and go to a different school and this new kid use to go to bluford high since 20001.

Anonymous said...

Title:Red-Hot Hightops
Author:Matt Christophere
Sentence Lead Starters:#3 & #43

A question I have about this book is why did Kelly freeze up when she got the ball.I dont know why people freeze up.

I admire Kelly because she plays basketball.I love basketball like she does.

Anonymous said...

Title: Matilda
Author:Roald Dahl
Sentence Lead Starters: #3 & #6
A question I have about this book is why Matilda's parents treat there daughter, who just so happpens to be a genius ,because a parent should make there kids feel smart even if they are stupid.This book makes me think about child abandonment which usually leads drug addiction.

Anonymous said...

title:the knight at dawn
Author:mary pope osborne
Sentence Lead Starters: # 1 9 #
my book is about some kids trying to help some lady that has a tree
in the forist the kids just point
to a pictur and then fly in to it
they like exploring around to diffent places they travle to honkong and to other places sounds
a little boring to who don't like exploring to differnt places but it is stial boring

Anonymous said...

Title:My Thirteen Winter Author:Samatha Aleel Sentence Lead Starters:7#25#

When I read this book I feel sad because she cant tell time and if I coudent tell time that wouldent be write.

I think that Santha will make a nother book that is as awsome as this one.

Anonymous said...

Title:Incredible People
Author:Celeste Lee
Sentence Lead Starters: #43 & #15

I admire (character) because he was the first person to jump the great wall of china.

The title of this book says to me that people can do great things.