Monday, March 2, 2009

Read Across America

Today, in celebration of Read Across America honoring Dr. Suess's Birthday we will be looking at some of his books and the literary elements contained within the wacky pages.

What is your favorite Dr. Suess Book? If you can't remember feel free to quickly look at this website for ideas, Examples of His Books.

To learn more about this creative children's author, read his biography, About Dr. Suess at

What things did you learn about Dr. Suess?

What is onomatopeia?

What examples can you give of this literary element?


Anonymous said...

our favorite book was green eggs and ham.

Anonymous said...

My name is keara and my name is danielle our favorite book is cat in the hat the reason we like cat in the hat is because of onomatopeia and a onomatopeia is a word that is like rhyming but its not and today dr.suess is over a hundred years old.we want to appreciate dr.suess's books that he has made.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Riley: My favirote book by Dr.Suess is hortan hears a who because i think it's A cute book to read to younger kids and i think it's funny!

Amber:My favirote book by Dr.Suess is hortan hears a who because it's funny and keeps me and my brother entertain!

Anonymous said...

Dr.Suess he is over a hundred years old. He's made alot of books.
onomatopeia are loud nosie

Anonymous said...

My book is the cat in the hat. becuse it is very funny and it rimes

Anonymous said...

What I learned about Dr.Suess is that he wrote alot of childrens books. Which had alot of rhyming in the books. Airiana's favorite Dr.Suess book is The Cat in the Hat. Saryah's favorite Dr.Suess book is Who Are You Sue.

Anonymous said...

My name is Bethany & eugene our favorite book is horton hears a who.

Anonymous said...

our favorite book is a wocket in my pocket because it is funny and rhymes alot. we learned his first name was ted. he uses alot of onomatopia which is a word that shows sound or action such as pow.

Anonymous said...

the snowy day
hev is the first person i saw write like that a anommatopeia is like flower and hour

Anonymous said...

our favorite blog is green eggs and ham. he ryms onimanapia is somthing that uses detail.some exaples3

Anonymous said...

our fav book is oh, the places you can go. its our favorite book because it has pretty pictures and weird examples of animals in it.

Anonymous said...

Our favorite Dr. Suess book is Green Eggs & Ham because it is fun to read and we both like eggs and ham.

We learned that he was born in Springfield, Massechusettes on March 2nd, 1904.

And onomatopiea is a word that shows sound for something happening.
BANG, BOOM, EEEEKK, PLOP and BAM are all examples of onomatopieas.

Anonymous said...

Dillon's favert Dr.Suess book is And to think I saw it on mulberry streat. Wesley's Fav. book is cat in the hat

Anonymous said...

Andrea's favorite book is Green eggs and Ham.
Gwen's favorite book is One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish.
Andrea said that she learned that Dr. Suess was an exotic writer.
I learned that he was an amazing writer and could rhyme better than alot of great writers.
Andrea thinks that onomatopeia is a long hard word and it deserve respect.
I think that onomatopeia is a word that spells out a sound.
Andrea's example: splash
Gwen's example: BOOM,!
(Gwen's better, =]]!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Im Cynthia and Im Brandy and our fav book is ONE FISH TWO FISH
RED FISH BLUE FISH because it's funny and lot's of rhyeming and intresting word chose.

What we learned about Dr.Suess
is that a great auther and he love's rhyming words.
An onomatopeia is a sound effect. You can use it when you are eatting and you make a crunching nosie. You can also use it when leaves are blowing in the breeze and you hear a woosh as it gose by.

Anonymous said...

our favorite book is green eggs and ham.rhymes alot . an onimanapiea is something that uses detail.some examples box fox

Anonymous said...

My name is alex and my name is crystal our most favorite book is GREEN EGGS AND HAM the reson we chose green eggs and ham is bec ause it is funny and because it makes us laugh, and he has herd it sence he was three. I love the book because it is my favorite book of all time, and it is the very first DR.SUEESS book i'v ever herd.And I really like it,because it is so funny, and it really makes me think about my dad because he read me that book before bhe died.

Anonymous said...

our favorit book was gree eggs and ham was very gooooooooood