Thursday, October 2, 2008

Becoming Active Readers

This year we will spend time becoming better active readers. We had a little practice with this already.

Think back to today's lesson:

What does it mean to "read actively"?

How will reading actively help you become a better reader?

What things can you do to help you become an active reader?

As you make your comments, please be sure to use correct punctuation, spelling, capital letters, etc.


Anonymous said...

read most of the will want to read more and more.get a book and conseantrat on it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

actively reading helps me because its practiceand the more i practice active reading the better i am as a reader

Anonymous said...

When u read activly u have to read and stay on track and sometimes take notes. It will help me by being anle to stay on track and to respond better.To take notes, visulize, to respond and to ask questions.

Anonymous said...

reading actively is when you are not goofing off and you know what you are reading and you ask qestions when you are reading.

Anonymous said...

I think it maenes to have fun when you read.I think when you raed actively it will help me become a better reader because I will read bigger words.Reading evry day.

Anonymous said...

active raeding is working and raeding.

Anonymous said...

to read better and not mess up for we can know more read more

Anonymous said...

active readers ask questions,make predictions,react.

Anonymous said...

to read better and not mess up for we can know more read more

Anonymous said...

it will help you to reject to the story that you are reading and ask qestions and predictthe story.

Anonymous said...

get a book you 1hour a day.get a book you can read.

Anonymous said...

It means to be a active reader and jump inside the book you are reading by reading more books.

Anonymous said...

read activeley means question,react, predict,visulize,clarify.It will help you remember the book.

Anonymous said...

resonding to a book can help me to become a better actively reader and taking notes and stay on track.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

keep focused on what you are reading.

Anonymous said...

to be an active reader you could visulize,predict,summerize,clarify,question,connect,and monitor.

Anonymous said...

Read actively means to me that it is when you read books you really like an that you are injoying yourself reading the that your reading.It will help me become a better reader because reading the book that you are able to read andgetting help from other people that are lerning to read you can learn from them to!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"read actively" means to be an active reader and to do your best at will help me be a better reader by constantly reading all the in a quiet place, with light,and where nobody will disturb you,and read all the time.

Anonymous said...

it means to stay on track or tack will halp me beacuse it
will halp me remamber what i raed.
read more

Anonymous said...

To find time to read.You should read at least 30 minutes a day.Also find a place to read that is quiet.

Anonymous said...

Reading actively is to ask questions.

Anonymous said...

It means to never be off task in a book & to stay focused on a book. It will teach you how to read bigger & better words & higher books. To read a book 20 minutes every day.

Anonymous said...

Being a active reader means thinking about what you are reading and making aneffort to understand.To give 100 percentof yourattentionto reading.To become ative reader stop 3and ask qustions.

Anonymous said...

it means to stay on task and to be focused read for 20 min. aday.

Anonymous said...

i think it meens to read by yourself and quiet

Anonymous said...

reading actively is where you absorb what you read instead of just letting it go in one ear and out the other it will hel;p you become a better reader becaude you understand what you read you can practice reading and take notes and use strategy

Anonymous said...

To read activley means to learn and understand what you re reading. It also means that you give your best effort in reading.

Anonymous said...

reading will make you want to read even more it will make you want to ask questions make predictions and more.

Anonymous said...

To read activley means to find a quiet and peaceful place where you can concentrate on your reading.
It will help you understand the book and raise your lexile level.

Find a quiet spot to read and do one of the active reading strategies like visualizing.

Anonymous said...

Reading actively means to respond appropriatley to a book.It will help me vizualize and respond with better questions. I will ask questions and conect more often to become a better reader.

Anonymous said...

reding actively will help me become a better reader because itt help you practice. And you need to practice thing if you want to become a better reader.

Anonymous said...

it means to make questions,react,predict,visualize, and clarify.You will be able to ask a question and predict to it if they ask you what it means.Read before you go to sleep and before you get on the vidoe games or go out side. SEE YOU ALL LATER

Anonymous said...

Read the whole time and do Questions, react, predict, visualize, and claifly. Because you readindg alot.thing i can dio is read slower and dont skip over words.

Anonymous said...

richie i am comeing over today ok
but i might bring my braty sisters

Anonymous said...

What it means to read actively is understanding paragraphs and taking notes through out the book.Reading actively will help me become a better reader because you can remember all the stuff you did becoming an active reader.To become an active reader you have to understand the paragraph and to ask questions and to relate to the reading and making judgements,draw conclusions,and make comparisons. Thats how u become an actine reader.

Anonymous said...

some things i can do to become a better reader is that i can maybe try to understand what i am reading and understand who are the characters.

Anonymous said...

hi mrs.wickland .
what is for homeworck this week

Anonymous said...

To not boterd any people around you. It will help me buy when I'm not talking anyone around me. By not talking to anyone.

Anonymous said...

reading activly means to get in a qiute spot and start reading. reading activly will help me to become a better reader because it will help me hoew i can ask questions become a better reader i mightread more books visulize or ask more questions.

Anonymous said...

activly reading means to lisen to who talking and to be look ing at them when thay are talking

Anonymous said...

Reading actively means to respond appropriatley. It will help me respond. I can read alot.

Anonymous said...

reading activly means to use stickies and highlight.

Anonymous said...

by listen to the teacher or by listen to my class mates by reading allong with ether my classmates or the teacher .a nother way to read at least 20 min a day enywhere you can read. Ican hleping my classmates by read better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reading actively means to keep track of what your reading and making sure it makes sense by taking notes and jotting down ideas.

As you read actively more often, I think it will be easier for you to keep track and you will have to write less down.

To become a better active reader, I will have to read more often and keep up so I make sure I'm at the level I'm supposed to be at. Everytime I choose a new book I will choose higher level stuff than the last book i read.

bambam johnston said...

Reading actively means to be fouced on what you are reading. Reading actively will help me become a better reader by helping me fouces. I can find a quite place to read.

Anonymous said...

To focus on what your reading and take notes.My book is boy at war it's about a young boy goes to war.

Anonymous said...

hi brand do you have a psp what
cind do you have