Your task is to Complete a Journal Response on your Independent Reading book. Use at least 2 sentence leads from your Reading FOLDER.
Remember: A summary of the book is not quite as interesting as your thoughts, questions or other comments about the book. There are times when summaries are important; however this is not the time.
With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.
As you create your response remember to refer back to the BLOG RUBRIC (see below) to earn the maximum points.
With this in mind please use capital letters where appropriate and correct punctuation.
As you create your response remember to refer back to the BLOG RUBRIC (see below) to earn the maximum points.
Hint: To make your response more original add more to your response than the two sentence leads. Expand your ideas, give details and examples to support the sentences leads you choose.
Be sure to include the title of your book and its author so others who read your comment will understand.
Your Response might start out something like this . . .
Sentence Lead Starters: # & #
If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.
As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?
Your Response might start out something like this . . .
Sentence Lead Starters: # & #
If you finish early be sure to read previous posts and comments on our blog to see if anyone has referenced a comment that you have made.
As you read other comments do you notice anyone who has read a book that you are reading/have read. If so, what comments do you have for them?
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #25
(1) I visualized when Marty was on the computer looking where everyone was in the mansion.
(2) I think that when Marty and Grace get to spend time with there uncle Travis they will get to like him alot more.
Title:All About Lizards
Author:Jim Arnosky
Sentence Lead Starters: 16# & #18
the's to pages are about Anoles they can be camouflage to hide fom thair enemysso they don't get eat'n .
Author:Jerry Spinelli
Sentence Lead Starters: 3 and 43
A question I have about this is why dose Zinkoff laugh at funny words like Jabip and Jaboop.
I admire zinkoff because he has a funny personanlaity.
Author:Jerry Spinelli
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #25
(1)I visulized Zinkoff cracking up in class and asking nonsince questions and his teacher Miss Meeks wanting to tell him to quit acting up in class but she thought he would start to cry.
(2)I think that Zinkoff will go to the princable because he keeps acting up after his mom grounds him.I also think his dad will make him apoligize to the whole class.
Title:esperanza rising
Author:pam munoz'
i have a question about this book and it is who is papa to esperanza in the family?but this book is really gud i aint even gonna lie about that.
TITLE:esperanza rising
Athour:pam munoz ryan
sentece leaad starters:1&3
1) i visulized that when he said i picked up a hand ful of earth and studyed it.
3) a qustion i have is a i dont get the spanish that they have in the book.
Author:jerry spinelli
Sentence Lead Starters: #2 & #5
This character reminds me of Keara because she is constantly laughing.You cant get her to stop laughing she lives to laugh.
If I could talk to one character in this book i would ask them why do you laugh so much in this book??????????????????????????? that is my main comcern.
Title: A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril
Author: Lemony Snicket
Sentence Lead Starters:#27 & #23
I was able to accurately visulize the setting of the story in my mind when they were going down the steep hill and saw the hotel. I saw the hotel sign and all the fechers like the numbers on the windos and the moss growing on the side of the building.
I belive the author's purpose for writting this book is to inform people about how hurralbe some people can be. I think that because he mainly tells about how horrible the three chidren's lifes are.
james and peach i read all of it
Title:James And The Giant Peach
Author:Roald Dahl
Sentence Lead Starters: #89 & #118
i think that the illustrations of this book could have been i little bit better becuase there were black eyes and messed up some things.
i think that the lady bug married the head fir department becuase it was red like her.
i think that james will be a teacher in the peach after he gets done getting rid of the yellow-orange part and use th core part for a school or somthing.
Title: Bridge to Terabithia
Author:Katherine Paterson
Sentence Lead Starters: 26 & 25
My experiences has helped me to understand the book it said in the bok he practiced and practiced so that he coul be the fastest runner in his grade. I can kind of connect with the author. I think she is trying to tell the readers that if you have a dream than you should go for it, all you have to do is keep practicing and practicing and you will improve and get better at what you are trying to do. i think that this book was o.k. In the beggining it was so boring but in the middle of the book it gets better if i had a choice to read a different book or the same book than i would probablyread the same.
Title: A Man Named Dave
Author: Dave Pelzer
Sentence Lead Starters: #37 & #42
To summerize this text, I would say a boy was abused when he was little, and he is fighting to stay healthy while he is an adult.
My feelings have changed after reading this book because actually reading a true story about abuse and mistreatment changes the way i look at them. It makes me realize how sad their lives are and how much attention they need.
Title:My Thirteenth Winter
Author:Samantha Abeel
Sentence Lead Starters:7#&25#
when i read this book i feel sad and upset because it's really sad and it make me sad.
I think that she will end up haveing a bad life because she is really sad
Sentence Lead : # & #I think the book is the best book I have ever red so far,it is not all the way finished yet but it is almost complete,or should I say almost finished.It's about how there is this school that has 30 stories,and a little girl thatfall's through the window,hits the ground ,and dosent even fill it.Thats my favorite part.
Sentence Lead Starters: #15 & #42
The title of this book tells me that the book is going to be about a kid that gets bullid and picked on and that no one likes him.
my felings have changed after reading this book becaus its about a kid that likes school and doesnt care if they pick on him.
Title:The white darkness
Author:Geraldine Mccaughrean
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #2
(1)I visulized when sym is dreaming and in her dream she is with titus so she is talking to him and she is having a great time
(2)I think that sym is one day gonna realize that titus is dead and he is not really there with her.
Title:Cryptid Hunters
Author:Roland Smith
Sentence Lead Starters: 1 & 7
I visualized the 2 characters when they started reading the letter in the book.
When I read this book I feal relaxed and good.
Title:HELP!!! im trapped in a aliens body
Author:Todd Stasser
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #3
I Visualized that they would never find who is in the alien body,And
a question that i have about the charatcter is will he ever get out of the alien body?
Title:Cirque Du Freak 3
Author:Darren Shan
Sentence Lead Starters:#21 & #7
I wonder why darren decited to go out with Debbie. Answer:he likes her...
When I read this book I feel kinda creeped out by Mr.creepsly, because he is able to just pop up in the book with out warning.
Title:Money hungry
Author:Sharon G. Flake
Sentence Lead Starters:#25 #13
(1) I think that her mom will not be able to take care of her will happen after she gets send home.
(2)After the book ends I predict her and her mom will get better and her dad wont come back.
Title:Joey pigza loses control
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 & #38
(1)I visualize th tatoo on joeys dads arm.Then him saying "thats a patch that will never come off."Besause joey had pointed to it and said he had wanted one.
(38) this book helpd me under stand that Joey and his dad had patches but, they were for diffirent resons.Joeys was for his behavior,and carters was a nicatine patch,to help him to stop smoking.
Title:Joey Pigza loses control
Author:Jack Gantos
Sentence Lead Starters:(1) Why is joey's grandma so mean to him? (2)I visualize that joey and his grandma will get along later in the story.
Author:DARREN shan
Sentence Lead Starters:#13 & #25
After the book ends I predict that there will be another book.
I think Darren will be in the tunnels,because Darren is in trubble.
Title:begging for change
Author:sharon g. flake
begging for change is about a girl named raspberry and her life in the projects or a new beggining in an apartment complex raspberrys mother just went to the hospital because shiketa , an annoying next door neighbor bashed her in the head. and raspberry stole money from her best friend to make it by so they arent really friends right now plus her crack sniffin daddy just got back into her life !!!
Title:Homerun Heros!
Author:Joe Layder
Sentence leader:My book that im reading is. Abvout Mark Mcgwire who played for the St.Louis Cardnials.Him and Sammy Sosa hit alot of homeruns.They both set a lot of recoreds for the most homeruns.
Title:Brige To Terabithia
Author:Katherine Paterson
Sentence Lead Starters:7# & #3
A question i have about the book is why they mad a track team. I think they did it because they like running around. A girl beat the guys in a race.The girl practice with them everyday.
When i read this book i felt a little exicted. I felt exicted becuse the people had alot of fun when they mad there tack team.
Title:leven thumps
Author:obert skye
Sentence Lead Starters: #13 & #
after the book ends I predickt winter will be biger
Title:Where The Red Fern Grows
Author:Wilson Rawls
Sentence Lead Starters:#1 & #5
I visulized the when the character got his 2 dogs.
If I could talk to one of the book's characters I would ask him why he wanted dogs so bad.
wood song by gary paulsen
wood song was a good book because i could visulise when he got to the end of the race but wouldnt finish because he thought he wasnt good enough for the race i think that he will back and do the race next year and finish
tittle:the knight at dawn
author:mary pope osborne
sentence lead starters#1
my book is about a jack and his little sister go on all sorts of trips to diffent places in the world like to china all sorts of places
Title:Bridge to Terabithia
Author:Katherine Paterson
Sentence Lead Starters: #1 &3 #
1 I visualized a big trole chasing jess and leslie in the woods and tring to run away.
3 A question I have about this book is were did the aother come up with the idea of the book and is there gowing to be a second book?
Title:malcom x by eny means nessary
Author:waler dean myers
Sentence Lead Starters: #3& #25
A qestion i have about this book is why si he change every thing about him for the people he barly even knows that is kinda sad to me
i think that nmalcom will get cot selling drugs and he will go jalil for a long time
Title:sideway school
Author:louis aschar
Sentence Lead Starters: #9 & #35
This person reminds me of my little brothers bnecause they are like a wayside school because they biuld big towers and house and schools
I think the illustrations did a great job of illustrating the of the cover of this book because it looks raely great pictures
title:venom I like this book becouse it shows and tells all about poisines creatures
Sentence Lead Starters: # & # 2
I visualize a man name juged travis that got a new hunting dog and beating the dog with his shoe all because he coudnt hunt and juged trained hem but steal beat hem and a boy been seeing the dog get beat and one night he went over there and took the dog so he dont as to see the get beat up and juged been looking for his dog and the dog ever wanted to go back because he remembers when he got beat but juged found his dog at that boys house and he let the boy keep shiloh but the other three hunting dogs were mean and juged sent them to get shiloh and they did but didnt get shiloh then a month later juged had a truck accident and had a broken leg broken arm and a broken neck but he could still walk on one feet and there mom always made something and had left overs then brought it to juged and the boy brings it over and later his friend grandpa died and now juged is a nice man.
Sentence Lead Starters: # & # 2
I visualize a man name juged travis that got a new hunting dog and beating the dog with his shoe all because he coudnt hunt and juged trained hem but steal beat hem and a boy been seeing the dog get beat and one night he went over there and took the dog so he dont as to see the get beat up and juged been looking for his dog and the dog ever wanted to go back because he remembers when he got beat but juged found his dog at that boys house and he let the boy keep shiloh but the other three hunting dogs were mean and juged sent them to get shiloh and they did but didnt get shiloh then a month later juged had a truck accident and had a broken leg broken arm and a broken neck but he could still walk on one feet and there mom always made something and had left overs then brought it to juged and the boy brings it over and later his friend grandpa died and now juged is a nice man.
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